Transit Advisory Board
1130 Quintard Avenue, Anniston AL 36202 3rd Floor Conference Room
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The Alabama Department of Transportation is inviting the public to give input on its draft State Planning & Research (SPR) Work Program, Part I. This work program documents proposed statewide planning projects to be administered by various Bureaus within the Department.
ALDOT is conducting online public involvement for its draft Statewide Planning and Research Work Program. All comments regarding this publication must be received on or before August 12, 2022.
Below is the link to submit comments:
We invite anyone in our community that is a small business owner of future small business owner to apply for our RLF Program today!
The MPO is responsible for carrying out the metropolitan transportation planning process, including public participation, for the Calhoun Urbanized Area.
The Cities of Anniston and Oxford offer a fixed-route system, which extends into the city of Weaver to the north and Town of Hobson City to the west.
Click here to review the county plans for Randolph, Cleburne, Clay, Coosa, Etowah, Tallapoosa, and Talladega counties.
The East Alabama RPO fulfills a federal mandate to establish a consultation process for rural elected officials on transportation issues.
The EARPDC provides mapping and Geographic Information System (GIS) services to its member governments.
The Commission provides a wide range of general planning services to its member governments.
1130 Quintard Avenue, Anniston AL 36202 3rd Floor Conference Room
1130 Quintard Avenue, Anniston AL 36202 3rd Floor Conference Room
1130 Quintard Avenue, Anniston AL 36202 3rd Floor Conference Room
1130 Quintard Avenue, Anniston AL 36202 3rd Floor Conference Room
1130 Quintard Avenue, Anniston AL 36202 3rd Floor Conference Room
1130 Quintard Avenue, Anniston AL 36202 3rd Floor Conference Room
1130 Quintard Avenue, Anniston AL 36202 3rd Floor Conference Room
1130 Quintard Avenue, Anniston AL 36202 3rd Floor Conference Room
1130 Quintard Avenue, Anniston AL 36202 3rd Floor Conference Room
1130 Quintard Avenue, Anniston AL 36202 3rd Floor Conference Room
1130 Quintard Avenue, Anniston AL 36202 3rd Floor Conference Room
1130 Quintard Avenue, Anniston AL 36202 3rd Floor Conference Room