Calhoun Area MetropolitanPlanning Organization
The Commission provides program administrative support to the Calhoun Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). In cooperation with the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the MPO is responsible for carrying out the metropolitan transportation planning process, including public participation, for the Calhoun Urbanized Area.
The MPO was established in 1984 with a joint Transportation Planning Process Agreement signed with the ALDOT in accordance with the transportation planning requirements of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1962. The 1962 Act specified that urbanized areas with a population of 50,000 or more must develop a 3 “C” planning process that is comprehensive, cooperative, and continuing.
Public Involvement Meeting
The Calhoun Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is soliciting public review and comments on the design change to the Alabama-21 Pedestrian Crossing at McClellan Blvd project. The LRTP is a twenty-year plan and the TIP is a four year plan, both which identify local improvement projects sponsored by local jurisdictions through the Calhoun Area MPO. The design change will be to add additional ~1350’ of sidewalk from the crosswalk at 431 Southbound Ramps down to the City Property entrance at Regar Circle. This will also increase the budget for the project $74,472 in preliminary engineering and $405,855 in construction, but provide connectivity from the Chief Ladiga trail to the trails at the Anniston Museum and Gardens. A copy of the proposed project additions and comment form can be reviewed prior to the meeting at the EARPDC website at or picked up at the EARPDC offices during normal working hours. Copies will also be available for review and comment at a public meeting scheduled for:
Wednesday May 15, 2024
4 – 5 pm
EARPDC 3rd floor Conference Room
1130 Quintard Avenue
Anniston, AL 36202
This is a handicapped accessible building and room. Persons needing special accommodations to attend this meeting should contact the EARPDC – ADA Coordinator, Amanda Carroll at (256) 237-6741 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting.
Public comments can be dropped off at the EARPDC offices, mailed to PO Box 2186 Anniston, AL 36202, faxed to (256) 237-6763, or emailed to All public comments will be reviewed by the MPO and included in the final plan document.
For more information contact: Libby Messick, Project Director at the phone number and address below.
The Calhoun Area MPO has six member jurisdictions: Anniston, Hobson City, Jacksonville, Oxford, Weaver, and urban portions of Calhoun County.
Planning Area
The Calhoun Area transportation planning process is conducted by the MPO. The MPO is composed of three main committees. The Policy (Voting) Committee is the official decision-making body of the process. The MPO committee is served by two main advisory committees: the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC). A third advisory committee, The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC), is an ad-hoc committee that convenes when the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan is undergoing an update.
Click here for more information regarding MPO Committees and Meetings
Click here for MPO documents
Click here for archived MPO/RPO Transportation Newsletters
local government
transportation agencies
other helpful links
- Chief Ladiga Trail Map
- Calhoun County Area Traffic Data
- Northeast Alabama Bicycle Club
- City of Jacksonville Bicycling
- Rails to Trails Conservancy
Alabama Transportation
Planners Association -
Association of Metropolitan
Planning Organizations -
Association of Pedestrian
and Bicycle Professionals - Title VI Notice and Complaint Forms in Spanish
- Title VI Notice and Complaint Forms in Spanish
Helpful Links
Benefits of Roundabouts
How to Use a Roundabout
Elizabeth Wrightregional planner
Office Address
1130 Quintard Avenue Anniston, Alabama, 36202
Mailing Address
Calhoun Area MPO
P.O. Box 2186
Anniston, Alabama, 36202
Office Hours
8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Monday – Friday